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Father’s Heart Ministry

Saturday trip to Qingyuan

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." - Matthew 5:14


Every Saturday we travel to a small town called Qingyuan, which lies about 75km outside of Guangzhou. 


If you will be in or around Guangzhou and would like to join us as we minister the love of Jesus to over 30 high needs children and over 220 elderly, please contact us. We have limited room on our bus so its best to let us know by Wednesday if you will be coming.


Please, use your time there and your God given talents and abilities to help children, the elderly, as well as to other volunteers. Our time there is a service to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and it is very precious:

“… I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, 36 I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.” -Matthew 25:31-46

You should bring water and snacks for yourself, along with lots of love, joy, and a desire to serve.


    What we do in the children’s center:

we look at everyone there as a bearer of God’s image, created by Him

we see how we can serve them

we check if they need anything (to drink, to eat, to be cleaned, to be dressed)

we help children eat

we play with children

we try to make sure no children are left without attention, especially those with more serious health needs

we make sure they feel loved and appreciated

    What we do in the Elderly Community:

All the above, because the needs are the same (just the age group is differentJ)




to grow in Christ’s character

to serve people (Matt 22:37-40)

to treat everyone you meet as made in our Heavenly Father’s image - with the dignity they deserve (1Peter 2:17);

to allow God to transform your heart

to learn about His love and healing

to encounter Christ.

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