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Friends Everywhere

About us

We exist to carry the heart of our Father to places it is needed the most, to orphans of the world, to the elderly, to disaster zones, and the street, to release the Spirit of Adoption within China and the nations so that people would know Jesus and that they would glorify our Heavenly Father.


There are so many people who serve and work with us, many from different nations and different backround. 

Chris and Irina


We both met at an autistic center Christmas of 2013. Our hearts for those who are hurting and abandoned have taken us both all over the world. We believe that Jesus saved us and showed us such love that we are all called to show His love to others, simply and complicated.

Wu Jun Zhou and Vivian Lin


With hearts of compassion, this amazing couple has given time, energy and their hearts to help us with some of the most difficult situations. From helping us rescue children who are near death, to given their coats to homeless, they exemplify the gospel through their actions and their love.

Julia and Emily Limonova


Coming soon

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